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Bronte Sept.7


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Headed out from Bronte just before three today. Fished for a little more than four hours and lost one monster on a green/silver NKMAG straight off the pier to the west of Bronte down 52ft. in 125ft. of water. Managed to save the fishless day by boating a little 4-5# Chinook on my way back in. It hit a green thunder NKMAG down 41ft. in 55ft. of water.

A great afternoon on the water. To bad its back to work tomorrow. I think ;)

Good fishin, Steve

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Guest Brian Laketrout Cuthbertson


Great report. I would imagine you would have settled for a look at that fish,then to lose him like that. Have you heard anything about out off of PD?

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I would have loved to have seen it before I lost him. My biggest ever was 29.56lbs about 10yrs. ago and this one fought every bit as hard as that one. I had him on for at least 5 min. and he never came near the boat. Maybe my drag was a little to tight cause my hook had a tiny piece of jaw and tooth stuck on it ;) .

As for PD all I hear is whats on here and the other site. Skeiner said the other day I believe that they were stacked up. I have to work till Friday then I'm off till Tues. so I think we should find out.

Oh yeh, I'm getting my derby ticket too. Gotta love the derbies, somehow makes it more interesting$$$$$$$$

Good fishin, Steve

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Guest Brian Laketrout Cuthbertson

Thanks SteveK

I just had a look at last nights St.Kitts Standard,Joe Montgomery column,tells everything you need to know about fishing off of PD.

I guess the masses can't be silienced by 1 or 2 Aholes ;)

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Guest SkeinMachine

Steve,I've found the strongest/badest/longest running fish are alway's in the 25-28 lb range.

Those 35 + lb tank's seem to have one run in them,then come in like a spent Carp.

Current Cdn Record(taken off Bronte)46.38 lb's


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