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Viruses from here!! Warning

Guest chilli

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Someone is sending the members here and elsewhere emails with a virus attached and poseing as another member from here. I suggest that if you recieve an email from someone here, that you do not open it untill you've been here to varify that it was intentionnally sent.

I know it is someone here, because I was sent an infected email that seemed customised for myself. The sender used a display name to look like it was from someone I can trust and the attachment was named along the lines of my discussions here. Don't open anything named (.something.exe) That's your first clue it's a virus.

:angry2: It seems to me that there are those who do not like the sharing of information here. Some have posed with different names in the past (before the new software) and harrassed the knowledgable into not sharing anymore.


Post more info. Post more often. Give more details. Keep coming back!

This idiot is trying to muzzle us and turn us against ourselves or perhaps just make it such a hassle to come here, and he needs to be caught and exposed. If you open any such email without verbal verification or a notice from here, don't open the attachment. Click file at the top of the page and then click properties. In the properties dialogue box, you will find information about the sender and the route the email took to you. Save this info. Let someone here know so it can be reviewed. There are plenty of computer savy here who can track this moron.

Don't get discouraged from coming here. These morons are everywhere on the net so one just has to learn to be carefull. Here is a site with some suggestions on how to get internet smart without having to padlock your computer.


Get some antivirus software and run it weekly minimum. Also try sarc.com for a symantac online virus check for free.

;)Let's make this idiot wish he had left a sleeping dog alone.

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Guest bigfish1965

Some viruses can send spoof emails. A spoof email is simply one created by the virus with a senders name taken from the inbox or address book of an infected computer. So if someone you know or someone seperated from you by a few degrees gets infected, it can APPEAR that this email is from a trustworthy source.

There will be no emails from Niagara Fishing that includes an attachment unless you are prewarned by Rick. You should not receive anything other than monthly email newsletters.

It is not uncommon,however, for people to target the members of specific websites and send them viruses. I receive three or four a day. Norton catches them before I even get to see them and deletes them.

The security settings here are set up such that spiders or bots shouldn't be able to pick you email addy. Unless you display it, no one will be able to see it. Emails sent by you through the board will display your email addy to the recipient however.

Since this site and Take Me Fishing are running nearly identical configurations, the same holds true for there.

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Yes, I suppose the title of this thread did not do the site justice. The viruses are not from here but the email it was delivered in was custom made to appear as though it were from a member and appeared to be targeting other members.

This is not something to get excited about but some vigilance would be nice so we could figure out who is doing this. It is illegal and it is from someone here. I suggest keeping the posts positive and won't sound the alarm from now on. Just if everyone could keep an eye out and not get scared off. Posting more is your best weapon against this hush puppy.

I think all is said and no replys are needed. Thanks......Dan

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Guest Brian Laketrout Cuthbertson

Ah Heck Chilli thats nothing!!! I have over 200 emails with a Virus, Quarantined since my last reformat in April! Norton nails them before,I open them ;)

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Having a good anti-virus program on your computer is a must these days with all the crap out there. My Norton program has been amazing in catching everything that comes to my email inbox. One good alternative is to forward your emails to a Hotmail account and read them there as Hotmail has built-in anti-virus software that seems to work very well.

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let em flow into my inbox

if i dont know you i dont open it

if i dont like the looks of the extension i dont open it

plus i only use webmail based email

and if i do get one

this comp goes one step closer to the edge of the desk

then its buying time!

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Now i'm ticked off. :( I woke up today and had 53 garbage emails in my inbox, then I just checked it again and there was 90 more. I'm going to Long Point this weekend for a week, so I'm just wondering how many there will be when I get back. Millions!! :Gonefishing:

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