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Insane Canadian Cull

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Trudy said you don't need an AR15 to take down a deer but he's using up to 10G per deer to bring in foreign nationals and train them to use one out of a helicopter to control an invasive deer on an island. That's right no guns for you or the native people but foreigners can waste the meat and use semis on the taxpayers dime. This whole story is insane!


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Crazy for sure...the gross incompetence of our government never ceases to amaze! They have absolutely zero respect for our hard earned tax dollars! After they burn through all of the tax revenue, they borrow the rest so our kids and grandkids will have to deal with it! With our national debt surpassing 1 Trillion, after doubling since 2015 and continuing to climb with continued massive annual deficits, something has to give! 

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We now have "sectarian " politics , world wide . It breaks up society into several sectors which keeps us from getting a true majority government and allows the very rich to keep us peasants from having any power to change the system . As anglers and hunters we will lose more fishing/hunting territory as the rich buy up the pristine areas.

After 81 years , when voting day arrives , I grab my fishing rod and .........   :Gonefishing:

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