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They are really pushing these on us lately . I see many adds with E.V. cars & trucks as they are intent on investing many billions of dollars ( Port Colborne) to make batteries. There must be something we don't know since most people still want I.C.E. vehicles . So, I believe they will force them on us by huge tax increases on fuel , and a big surcharge on buying a new I.C.E. vehicle. I'm too old to worry about it now so I'll keep my old beaters if I live another 10+ years . They will forfeit the gas taxes but get that $$$ from other sources for sure. 

Or ......it could be the largest "flop" in our governments history ??  

whaddoyathink ?

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New regulations being published this week by our environment monkey will effectively end sales of new passenger vehicles powered only by gasoline or diesel in 2035.

This is so much bs. There will be a two tier system. The fools on the hill know that.  No way E.V. trucks will be able to plow highways and other functions.

Imagine being in a useless ev on the highway in the middle of a snow storm where all traffic is stopped. How long will that battery keep one warm and running....lol.

Electric firetrucks....that sounds promising.....

How will these batteries handle driving in the summer months with the AC on.

Other sites have posted the ill effects of sitting on a massive battery and the effects on the body.

Hydrogen cars and trucks are being developed, however for some reason, the technology is slowly being developed, instead of fast tracked.

It's all about being controlled, like so many other aspects of our life.

Freedoms.....more and more are being taken away.

The younger generations growing up with all these controls, know no better, so these controls are considered normal and necessary.

That's enough.....time for a cold one 🍺 :wub:

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Many vehicles today are getting over 300,000 km on the I.C.E. before the metals are "RECYCLED" !

I see many homes in this hood with 4 vehicles , imagine all of them needing to be charged, central air running , ect. Will they need 400 amp service ?  

I believe the main objective is to make it very expensive to drive and regulate us peasants to use the bus, train , subway or Rickshaws......

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A good friend of mine bought an EV about 3 years ago. At first he was very happy with it, driving it to his Muskoka cottage (about 300 km each way), charging it there then returning home. He has had several problems with it. It is always going back to the dealer where it will sometimes sit for 2 weeks or more while they try to figure out what is wrong with it and more importantly, how to fix it. He no longer drives it to the cottage as after 3 years the range has diminished and with the certainty of being caught in heavy traffic and the need for a/c or heat, he doesn't think it will make it. I would not consider one, but in fairness, when cars first arrived on the scene in the early 1900's, the same arguments applied. Rubber was not perfected (or the roads) and 2 or 3 flat tires on a trip was common as well as mechanical breakdowns and the biggest hurdle, where would you buy fuel.

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