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Y.T. ad block

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I watch Y.T. often, mainly for music .  My ad block was working fine but they have changed their rules and I had to remove my blocker . I don't mind when I have to wait to watch the videos as I can just scroll up and hide the ads. I don't watch ads on TV either .

Now they are putting their ads right in the middle of a music video !  This can ruin a great song , so I'd like to tell them I'll boycott every product they shove in my face while watching  music in play . I Googled up some other ad blockers but it seems they have control over all the free blockers . And radio ads are so bad I  change channels ....still using CD's.  :)

Anyone have one that works ?   

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ad blocker .jpgThanks Lukefish99  

I checked it out and this warning may cause me some grief as I'm not that puter wise . I have seen this on other ad blocker sites too, using Google Chrome. I just got this pc going again after taking to a shop to fix so I'm a tad nervous about these warnings . 




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9 hours ago, smerchly said:

ad blocker .jpgThanks Lukefish99  

I checked it out and this warning may cause me some grief as I'm not that puter wise . I have seen this on other ad blocker sites too, using Google Chrome. I just got this pc going again after taking to a shop to fix so I'm a tad nervous about these warnings . 





Those permissions are alright to give. It needs to be able to read and change data on all your websites to block ads. The same goes for the privacy-related settings. It also has 34,000,000 users and a 4.7 star rating with 30k ratings, so that also adds to its trustworthiness. They also say they don't store any of your data. 

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Thanks Lukefish99,  so far so good, it only took a few seconds to install and working fine !  

Advertising on TV and radio drives me crazy, they really think we are dumb......  "only $999.99"   :D  



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